November 10, 2022
How do you become your most productive self?
You do this by maximizing time spent on proactive activities that actually make a difference.
How do you maximize time spent on proactive activities?
You need to first minimize time spent being reactive to make more time for proactive ones.
How do you minimize time spent on reactive activities?
You need a system to receive, capture and engage with information in your world.
Here's 4 simple questions to help me process new information, decrease time spent being reactive, and increase my productivity:
Is the information…
- Actionable? 🔨 Add it to my projects and tasks list.
- A reference for later? 📂 Digitize it and add it to my references within a relevant folder.
- Something to schedule? 📆 Add it to my calendar and color code it red if it requires my physical presence.
- A recurring accountability? ☑️ Add it to my weekly, monthly or quarterly checklist.
Everything is either actionable, a reference, an event, or an accountability (A.R.E.A.).
Without a reliable system to quickly process new information, you’re left with figuring it out on the go which takes a lot of time and mental energy.
These four questions allow you quickly group everything into 1 of 4 buckets and get back to being proactive.
You’re probably wondering… What if I don’t have time to process and clarify new information?
That’s where capture buckets come to the rescue.
When it’s not time sensitive I add it to a list on my phone which gets reviewed, clarified and emptied during my weekly accountability checklist.
This system lets me be present and proactive while also handling new information in the least reactive way possible.
Go ahead and try it:
- Create a central place to manage projects and tasks
- Create a central place to upload references with relevant folders
- Take your calendar seriously and color code events in red when they require your presence
- Create a weekly, monthly or quarterly checklist of the things you’re accountable to
See you all next Thursday 👋
PS. Whenever you're ready... Here are three more ways I can help you become your most productive self:
- Access my Free Notion Task Manager → Get Access
- Get my Notion Personal OS to manage your business & personal life → Learn More
- If you need help mapping, creating & optimizing your systems → Work With Me
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