May 16, 2024
My journey to selling a B2B service online has been bumpy.
But within the first year, I made over 6 figures.
7 things I wish I knew before getting started:
⮕ 1. You don’t need an audience to make money online When I started creating content, I didn’t have an offer or anything to sell. I was focused on followers. The truth is you don’t need followers to make money online. Sure, it helps with reply rates and conversions. But it won’t stop you from getting clients. Start by selling something and let your brand grow as a result. Clarify your target market and offer, first. This will make it easier to create content, but more importantly, prepare you to make money online. ⮕ 2. Don’t wait for prospects to raise their hand After spending over $10k on programs and courses, one of my biggest learnings is that the money is in the DMs. Any single person who likes, comments, or engages with your content is effectively a warm lead and you should check-in. It's their subtle way of saying, “Hey, I like your stuff, and I could probably use your help”. ⮕ 3. Stop creating content on the fly This is the best way to be inconsistent. And consistency is king when it comes to content. You need to time block a few hours, create content for the coming week, and add it to a content calendar or scheduling tool. ⮕ 4. Cold outreach works When done right, cold outreach works really well. If it seems daunting it’s because you don’t have a simple process you or your team can mindlessly follow every day (in a way that actually generates clients). And if you’re not getting results, you’re not doing it right. Either the messaging is off, targeting the wrong people, or you’re not genuinely trying to help. ⮕ 5. Sales calls don’t have to be awkward You need to talk to people to understand them, earn their trust, and create a solution that solves their problems. Sales calls, discovery calls, or whatever you call them, are critical in this process. If it feels awkward you’re probably not solving a big enough problem or you’re not genuinely trying to help them. ⮕ 6. MRR > Project-based Project-based work is better than charging for your time (never charge for time!). But there’s a lot of issues with project-based: - manual billing - waiting for approval - always hunting for new deals What’s better? MRR. Subscription-based services. Figure out a way to offer ongoing value. Money coming in on its own is a beautiful thing. ⮕ 7. Ads can be cheap The right lead magnet should generate qualified leads for $2-5! First sort the other 6 items on this list. But trust me, ads work, and they don’t have to be expensive.
I hope this helps you in your journey.
See you all next Thursday 👋
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