November 3, 2022
This system alone is responsible for saving me 7+ hours per week and doubling my productivity.
Batching is when you group similar tasks into a singular productive work session so you can tackle them all at once 😅
Every time you switch between tasks, a lot of time and mental energy is used clarifying where you left off and getting you back into your flow state.
The idea is to minimize starting and stopping as much as possible and increase time spent getting things done.
A perfect example of an activity that most people start and stop multiple times a day… Is email.
❌ This is a productivity killer.
Unless you’re in a sales or customer support role where your number one priority is responding to incoming messages, you shouldn’t be checking it regularly.
✅ Instead clarify how often you absolutely need to check your email, time block it in your calendar, and turn off email notifications.
Remember, multi-tasking is (scientifically) not possible — What you’re actually doing is frequently shifting your focus which is extremely unproductive.
Other examples of batch-worthy activities…
⦿ Planning
⦿ Meetings
⦿ Data Review
⦿ Content Creation
⦿ Accounting & Finances
⦿ Cleaning (physical + digital)
For meetings…
I try to group them as close together as possible in the afternoon. But never during or close to my morning focus session.
Go ahead and try it:
- Identify all the activities/tasks that you regularly do
- Group them by similarity
- Create time blocks in your calendar (recurring if needed) for each group
See you all next Thursday 👋
PS. Whenever you're ready... Here are three more ways I can help you become your most productive self:
- Access my Free Notion Task Manager → Get Access
- Get my Notion Personal OS to manage your business & personal life → Learn More
- If you need help mapping, creating & optimizing your systems → Work With Me
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