February 16, 2023
Goals are prevalent, but results are rare.
I attribute this to a lack of systems. Without them, you’re not being intentional.
So, what are systems exactly?
Systems facilitate the process of achieving your goal or outcome. They are the How to your What.
How do you create them?
By clarifying what NEEDS to happen to achieve your goal and doing everything you can to ensure successful execution.
Example 1:
I wanted to make sure that we responded to every inquiry for my service business within 24 hours. So I integrated our website form into our CRM (Airtable). This way, every lead was automatically added with the tag “New Lead” (using Zapier). As soon as a lead is attended to, the tag is either changed to “Follow-Up Needed” or “Sold”, and they’re cleared from the “New Lead” tag view.
Then I created a daily accountability form so that we could submit a screenshot of our “New Lead” view empty (no new leads unattended), and assigned the accountability to our head of ops.
Lastly, I created an automation so that if the form is not submitted at the end of day, an email alert is sent to me and the rest of the team.
Example 2:
I wanted to keep track of every person that scheduled a 1:1 call with me for consulting so that I could continue the conversation and follow up when needed. So I integrated my scheduling tool (Calendly) with a CRM (Airtable + Zapier).
Then I added a checklist item to my Weekly Review (already time-blocked in my calendar) to go through the list of active prospects.
If you’re serious about your goal, you need to decrease your expectations of people and increase your expectations of systems — They are the key to achieving progress and success, predictably and consistently.
Go ahead and try it:
- Define your goal or outcome
- Clarify what HAS to get done to achieve success
- Create a system to facilitate the execution
- Assign ownership
See you all next Thursday 👋
PS. Whenever you're ready... Here are three ways I can help you systematize & automate operations:
- Learn how to find, hire and manage virtual assistants → Free Access
- Systematize company processes & automate accountability → Learn More
- Let me help you automate operations and exit the day-to-day grind → Work With Me
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