June 15, 2023
One of the most significant misconceptions in business is where the responsibility for performance truly lies.
It's easy to place blame on employees (I hear this all the time). When, in reality, the buck should stop with the business owner. Accepting this truth is the first step toward creating a better future for your business. Let me explain…
I was on a call with a client and he was expressing concerns over an employee of his business (we’ll call him Jimmy). He explained that Jimmy was significantly slowing down the company’s productivity. More specifically, he said, "Jimmy keeps getting in his own way and being a bottleneck to the business." I continued to hear his thoughts and feelings but I already knew that my response wasn’t going to change.
I replied, "No... You are getting in his way, and you're the bottleneck to the business. Jimmy is an employee and simply doesn't know any better. You're responsible for implementing better systems and processes so that he can operate at a higher level."
The underlying truth in my response is that as the business owner, he was in charge of setting the stage for success. Employees are an essential part of any business, but they operate within the parameters defined by leadership. In the absence of clear processes and systems, even A players can appear to be bottlenecks. This shift in perspective was crucial for my client.
On the other hand, I also made him recognize that by working with someone like me and getting operational help, he was taking ownership and a step toward becoming a more proactive leader.
We immediately began to rectify the situation. We rolled out better processes and systems that suited his company’s needs, effectively reducing friction, increasing productivity, and creating immense clarity. Expectations and responsibilities within the business became crystal clear, creating the necessary environment for Jimmy and the rest of the team to perform optimally.
We need to decrease our expectations of people and increase our expectations of systems — Doing so allows us to lean on more variables within our control. Before you question someone’s competence, first check if the system needs to be improved.
Go ahead and try it:
- Recognize the true source of bottlenecks: Before blaming employees, examine the systems and processes in place.
- Implement systems and processes: Efficient and clear systems remove friction and enable smooth operation, reducing the likelihood of bottlenecks.
- Clarify expectations: Make sure your employees clearly understand their roles and responsibilities.
- Take ownership: Accept that as a CEO, founder, or business owner, you are responsible for everything.
- Create a friction list: Encourage employees to capture any frictions they feel within the business and communicate them up the chain of command.
See you all next Thursday 👋
PS. Whenever you're ready... Here are three ways I can help you systemize & automate operations:
- Learn how to find, hire and manage virtual assistants → Free Access
- Systemize company processes & automate accountability → Learn More
- Let me help you automate operations and exit the day-to-day grind → Work With Me
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