April 13, 2023
Last week I shared my 5 part personal operating system I follow to be more present and increase focus on the business (you can read about it Here).
Similarly to your personal life, you need systems to achieve success in your business. Below I’ve outlined the exact system I’ve implemented to systemize and exit operations of multiple businesses.
Here are the 5 components of a company operating system that you need to boost your business forward:
1. Vision & Strategy
It's critical to understand who you are as a company and where you're headed. You do this by developing a 3-year picture and working it back down to a 90-day plan outlining the steps needed to achieve your goals.
It’s important to also house all of these items on a single document and make it easily accessible to the rest of the team. Relevant items include:
- Purpose
- Core values
- Target market
- Goals & measurables
- Rocks (most important projects)
2. Accountabilities (IN the business)
Accountabilities are tasks that must be completed regularly to keep your business running smoothly. They are non-negotiable and should be owned by a single person (you can read more about this Here).
How to systemize accountabilities:
- Clarify existing accountabilities
- Create a checklist for each one
- Clarify how often they’re due
- Assign ownership to a single person
- Implement a submission system
3. Projects (ON the business)
Projects are the means by which your business grows and improves. They involve working on the business rather than in it.
To define projects effectively, add these to your project template:
- Identify the problem you aim to solve
- Explain why it's important to address
- Clarify the success criteria
- Assign ownership
4. Meeting Pulse
Regular meetings keep your team aligned and informed (you can read more about it Here).
Establish a meeting schedule that includes:
- Weekly scorecards to track key metrics
- Weekly meetings to review important projects and issues
- Quarterly meetings to review the vision, financials, and clarify new projects
5. Workspaces
Make sure that each team member has an organized workspace tailored to their needs. This should include access to the information, projects, and tools relevant to them and their role. This helps the team stay focused, aligned, and reduces distractions.
Workspaces should include:
- One Big Thing (OBT) for the week
- Rocks (most important 2-3 projects)
- Any relevant resources and sub-projects
Implementing these five essential components will significantly enhance your business's productivity, growth, and keep everyone on track.
Go ahead and try it:
- Establish a vision
- Create accountability
- Prioritize key projects
- Implement a meeting pulse
- Set up individual workspaces for team members
See you all next Thursday 👋
PS. Whenever you're ready... Here are three ways I can help you systemize & automate operations:
- Learn how to find, hire and manage virtual assistants → Free Access
- Systemize company processes & automate accountability → Learn More
- Let me help you automate operations and exit the day-to-day grind → Work With Me
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