January 19, 2023
Everyone says Quality over Quantity.
I think Quantity over Quality…
From what I’ve seen, read, and experienced, rapid iteration always outperforms slow and perfect.
Sometimes this is more prevalent than others (like when I used to help launch businesses after natural disasters, generating hundreds of thousands of dollars in a matter of months) but I believe it to always be true. Getting comfortable with rapid testing is critical for both success and productivity.
This notion makes one important assumption, though… It assumes that you’re learning from your failures. Without learning, you’re stuck and no strategy will ever work.
If we agree on the point above…
more failures = more learning = more progress
A great example has been my content creation journey, including this very newsletter…
If we look at my posts (on any platform) even just a few months back, I’ll often cringe. But I’ve learned to appreciate that this is a good thing. It means that I’ve learned and improved, a lot, and it’s largely attributed to the large amount of far-from-perfect content I committed to creating and sharing.
Had I obsessed over perfection and published less often, I would have received a lot less feedback (in the form of engagement) and learned a lot less rapidly (in addition to fewer views/impressions).
Getting your product or service out into the world as quickly as possible has huge benefits — You can gather feedback and make adjustments much quicker and rely less on your own assumptions (our worst enemy).
The same goes for discovering my passion. I tried rapidly launching multiple businesses over the last year that were radically different (e-commerce + moving service). They didn't work out. But without these tests and failures, I would not have the clarity I have today.
Now, I’m not saying Quality doesn’t matter… But Quality will happen naturally as you continue to prioritize Quantity, and that is my point.
Quality cannot come before Quantity. Trying to prioritize the former will significantly slow down progress, productivity, and the potential quality of your future output.
So, ignore the possibility of having a perfect launch or first-time anything. You get closer to “perfect” by starting, adapting, and learning. You'll never get close before you start.
If you're learning, you're winning.
See you all next Thursday 👋
PS. Whenever you're ready... Here are three ways I can help you systematize & automate operations:
- Learn how to find, hire and manage virtual assistants → Free Access
- Systematize company processes & automate accountability → Learn More
- Let me help you automate operations and exit the day-to-day grind → Work With Me
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